
Greetings and Happy New Year from Decimal Point Analytics!

Welcome to this month's edition of Decimal Point Analytics' newsletter! In this edition, we explore the intriguing world of LLMs and explore the drama surrounding OpenAI's: Is Q* the death* of co-pilot? Our CEO, Shailesh Dhuri, sheds light on this secret project and its implications in our featured article.

Explore 2024's pivotal ESG trends in 'Unlocking Success: 2024's Top Five ESG Trends For Asset Managers,' a guide through the year's regulatory changes and emerging technologies for asset managers. In our financial analysis segment, discover the key insights into US small business loans and stay updated on the latest ESG news: Is it time to write ESG’s Requiem? Not quite “

Join us in our Executive Roundtable’s summary, where financial leaders discuss the impact of Generative AI, and don't miss our podcast pick, "Decimal Point Analytics Unplugged," featuring the evolving world of APIs.

As we navigate these insightful discussions and innovative ideas, our newsletter reaffirms our dedication to leading the way in the ever-changing realms of finance and technology.

Product Highlight - Credit Pulse

Credit Pulse is an innovative credit analysis platform that utilizes cutting-edge machine learning algorithms to comprehensively analyze textual information extracted from regulatory filings by efficiently identifying credit default and bankruptcy risks.

AI in Action
LLMs, the drama around OpenAI:
Is Q* the death* of Co-pilot

In the article, our CEO Shailesh Dhuri, sheds light on secret OpenAI project, Q*, connecting it to recent drama in the boardroom. The discussion contrasts co-pilots like OpenAI's Codex with a hypothetical AGI project, envisioning a future where GenAI optimizes operating systems dynamically.

ESG in Focus
2024's Top Five ESG Trends For Asset Managers

In 2024, the ESG landscape is set to unfold with distinctive challenges and prospects for asset managers. Decimal Point Analytics' recent article, "Unlocking Success: 2024's Top Five ESG Trends For Asset Managers," explores changes in regulations, investor expectations, and the emergence of transition technologies. This article provides asset managers with vital insights for adapting to the changing ESG environment, aligning with sustainable values, and discovering new investment opportunities.

Financial Insights
Funding Futures: The Evolution of Small Business Loans

US small businesses face a challenging loan landscape, navigating diverse funding sources and fluctuating economic conditions. Amidst these complexities, understanding the nuances of securing loans, from traditional banks to alternative lenders, is crucial for their growth and sustainability.


Decimal in News

Is it time to write ESG’s Requiem? Not quite
Shailesh Dhuri, CEO of Decimal Point Analytics, addresses the escalating criticisms against ESG in his latest article. He counters sensationalist media narratives and highlights the enduring significance of ESG principles for sustainable business practices. Shailesh's analysis provides a thoughtful and balanced view of the current discourse on ESG, emphasizing its strategic importance in shaping corporate responsibility.
Executive Roundtable: Exploring Generative AI for Enterprises

Decimal Point Analytics' recent roundtable brought together 20 financial leaders to discuss the impact of Generative AI. Highlights included the rapid adoption of GPTs in various sectors, operational improvements through GPT integration, and strategic use of Large Language Models. The discussions also emphasized democratizing data analytics and the need for businesses to stay agile in adopting AI for future growth.

Podcast Pick
Decimal Point Analytics Unplugged | The Evolving World of APIs

Discover the intricacies of APIs in this episode of Decimal Point Analytics Unplugged featuring Shubhendu Verma, our API team leader. With seven years in product development and innovation, he provides a comprehensive overview of APIs' evolution, significance, and future in the digital age. Gain insights into best practices and emerging trends in the world of digital technology and analytics.

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